This week was actually not too bad but it had it's moments. Twice I avoided major property destruction and/or behavior injurious to self or others by diving into a little
yarny goodness. On Thursday we had a contentious meeting at work, I called a break and asked a few folks to please play nice with others
please! I was so frustrated I went to lunch early and ended up at Great Yarns in Raleigh. I am so lucky it is close to my office. Mary was in the shop and asked if she could help me. I told her I just needed to soak up some yarn fumes so I could go back to work and BE NICE! I left without buying anything, got halfway to my car and went back in and bought this lace weight yarn. Only then was it possible to go back and be the good little employee I strive to be.
In honor of the restorative nature of this purchase I am calling this the Serenity Shawl, You know...God grant me the serenity...
Today in the car with my husband as he cursed at the third cyclist we passed I knit away on my swatch and smiled. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference!