After alot of trash talking about college basketball at work we had an escalation in the workplace harrassment. My co-worker who has the office next door is a UNC graduate and has the ugly Tarheel stuff all over her office. When she was out of the office I "borrowed" her Ram and made him a Duke shirt. It took her a few days to notice but when she did she was not pleased. The next day I came in to find my door decorated in Tarheel style. That was painful for this Duke fan. The third picture is the memorial my co-workers erected outside my office door when Duke lost. It is hard to see in the picture but the little black box is a coffin with a Duke logo in it. There was music and a guest sign in book. Apparently Oprah and RuPaul came by but I missed them.
I am trying to think of an appropriate payback! War is HELL!